Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mito Xiu Jokes: Q Science Alumni Association

April, birds are flying long grass, reminiscent of my friends from their perfect mountain climbing scene, though they is not around, little sister Xiu Xiu I can use the beauties of this the most popular image creation software, carry out his version of a Q Alumni Association!

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Open your picture!

Mito Xiu Xiu's new skin function, even love the crystal blue, but there are also good, oh lovely pink!

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Mito Xiu Super jewelry and more, do not post some kind ah !^_^! decoration, shaking his head doll to make it! "Flash Map" tab, find the "shaking his head doll", select the expression of a need to shake his head doll.

Selection, the mouse into the brush, the light of the upper left corner of the presentation, pull down the portrait head.

Matting complete, fine-tune the picture to jump the next step, save or save!

Paste it directly into QQ in! Very good option too!

How kind! Look cute super model that's in trying to shake the head, my heart Anshuang!

The production of more than a very simple scene graph yo! Open a picture, select the flash chart - scene - like the scene! Click picture easy to get over plans to replace the scene!

Click the "jewelry"! Choice has been shaking his head as the material of the doll!

Mito Xiu Xiu's flash word function provides both static and dynamic! According to need to select it!

More simple ah! Beauties Xiu Xiu This non-mainstream image processing experts fool type operation, like me P diagram can be created so a rookie Q Science Alumni Association! Use of its exclusive customized flash map for a key function, so that students meeting slightly more shiny bright! more creative ah!

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Monday, October 11, 2010

CMM assessment in China Suggestions

From the U.S. software industry can be seen, the software industry has structured production (1975 -1 995), the process-centered mode of production (1985 -2 005) and industrial production (1995 - present), etc. 3 stages.
China's software organizations in the software process of the present situation can be summarized as the following three aspects: First, China is produced by the structured approach to process-centered mode of production and industrial production forward. At present, many enterprises (whether state or private companies) recognized that in accordance with the CMM software process improvement, implementation of scientific and systematic management, to improve the organization's software capability maturity, it shows that with a strong driving force to improve the self. Second, the current along the way there are still some difficulties, as some organizations want to improve the ability of ISO9000 and CMM maturity, but they are not familiar with the concept of CMM, CMM and ISO9000 do not know exactly what difference between. Most software organizations in the software engineering theory and practice are rather weak, although the establishment of a software process, but the process stage is not obvious, software production disorder, on schedule, budget, forecast and control the quality of no force, often in the face of question to give up the original plan, attention to programming and testing, ignore the requirement analysis and architecture design. Senior management of the software management not enough attention, not equipped with adequate resources or qualified personnel to undertake the process of improvement. Third, the lack of documented process description, in particular the lack of working documents (such as process change requests report), workload statistics documents (such as time and workload of the tables, weeks status reports) and risk management documents (such as the risk estimates report, risk evaluation report). Lack of process and product measurement, software process, very little historical data, it is difficult to workload based on historical data and reasonable estimate of progress. Various software organizations should be based on the current state of knowledge, according to CMM standards to identify gaps. Where the gap is not mature enough, nor is the software process management should be strengthened to improve the place.
Software process improvement is a component of the work contains a lot of management technology, which includes the following three key steps: comparing the current state and expected to achieve the status, identify gaps; to determine which of the gap to change, to change to what degree; develop specific implementation plans accordingly, including the "specific" means: to have a clear, verifiable goals; to set testing standards for success; have specific means of implementation; specific implementation plan of the person designated and clearly the specific responsibilities and tasks; to clear the main leaders of the implementation plan or coordinator to be responsible for implementation of the plan to solve the problems; to list "implementation plan" by the application of new technologies and new tools and how to obtain these new technologies and new tools.
China's software industry in the ascendant, the implementation of CMM in the starting line to change the culture of China's software engineering to improve the quality of software personnel, not only of great significance to our economy, but also to improve the quality of software enterprises, and enhance the international competitiveness of software enterprises the necessary precondition but also for the software to create the conditions for export. CMM is a better software to improve the framework, but CMM is given only to do, and did not give what to do. Therefore necessary to seriously study how to follow the CMM model to the specific operation problems.
To better understand the CMM, to improve software organization's process management skills, successfully passed the CMM assessment, based on our assessment of CMM research and practice, given the following recommendations: senior management should focus more attention on process improvement, full-time set up process improvement teams. This is because the ideas and process improvement is the change in the way work is changing the corporate culture, which involves most of the enterprise staff. On the other hand due to the process of industrial production for the center is the software one of the three pillars, only attach great importance to strengthen the research, study and practice, to really make software production to industrialization direction.
In software process improvement should be equipped with the necessary resources, to establish a sizable improvement team, the investment should be to achieve sufficient strength. Within the organization, we must first set up the software engineering process group (called SEPG), responsible for software process improvement task, and selection of qualified personnel as full-time SEPG team leader. According to foreign experience, most organizations need to account for the software development resources 5% to 10%, according to the world, the assessment of nearly 1,800 organizations proved to evaluate the effectiveness of CMM is the input of 4 times to 8 times.
The appropriate organizational structure, research in software engineering and software process improvement method is responsible for the development and implementation of process improvement plans, they are assessing the activities of the enterprise specific organizer. In the implementation of the plan process, pay attention to check its compliance, eg the event 鍋忕 should look for causes and take corrective action, they conduct your business Dingqi process diagnostics 鍐呴儴 appraisers and business process improvements to monitor the activities were.
To strengthen the training and conduct of the Capability Maturity Assessment have both high quality Director, appraisers, must be quite the process evaluation team, there must be a huge process improvement teams. To recognize that only qualified personnel to implement a good process maturity in order to produce a good product, should be generally carried out based on CMM and software engineering training to the personnel of each post with the process of improving the awareness and control are necessary process improvement knowledge and skills.
The data are the basis for process improvement, should pay attention to process and product measurement process. The project throughout the development process, especially in the landmark office, to the implementation of the data collection process, recording activities in the state, not only for the current project's measurement and analysis of data, but also as the historical data retained for reference for future projects. These data include: software size, effort, cost and schedule estimates and the actual data, product quality measurement data, demand change and risk analysis data.
Should pay attention to software configuration management and configuration management tools. The main purpose of configuration management in the project throughout the software life cycle software projects to establish and maintain the integrity of the product, the system control to change the configuration items and software engineering asset management organizations. Configuration management of the content of numerous complex rights management, development or procurement of a suitable configuration management tool is essential.
CMM assessment in our development, we must pay attention to intellectual import, hire foreign teachers to China, director of assessment for process evaluation, but also strive to cultivate our own appraisers competent director. This is because China is not only a potential IT power, but also because of CMM implementation and is closely related to a country's culture. In addition, to improve the software process itself is a process that requires long-term access to a qualified director help appraisers. Authorities should support all walks of life and support the director of training our own appraiser, the appraiser training director as new ideas and new knowledge, new products. To fully understand the long-term process improvements and arduous. Upgrade process maturity is a process in itself, but also a life cycle. Therefore, the process improvement work with all the process must have inherent characteristics, not quick success.
In the CMM assessment, it is necessary to promote the Capability Maturity Model CMM and PSP Personal Software Process and Team Software Process ISP organically integrated, and close attention to new trends in process improvement. Throughout the software industry authorities should support and coordination, the overall strength of the community and increase the software process improvement research, evaluation and implementation of efforts to push forward China's software industry. First of all in-house team of process improvement to establish a large, active research, practice and promote process improvement. CMM Director of appraisers carefully established team, carefully set up the doors of the course team of qualified teachers. But also through the mechanism of market competition, process improvement support and the establishment of advisory bodies and intermediaries.


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Monday, September 27, 2010

Who is "Green Dam" in pay?

Recently, the Department issued a letter on the computer to force the popularity of the national "Green Dam - Youth Escort" low rogue filtering software notice, this news broadcast on the national uproar caused, according to People's Network public opinion poll, support the installation "Green Dam" software only 5%, 87% Internet users against installing the software. For various reasons, "Green Dam" software installation had to be postponed.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Photoshop Material Series: The Fog

In fact, I think that using 3D software to build the water texture more than Photoshop to be true, but here I want to introduce is a very cool technique to create mist material, I hope you will help.

1, create a new document, a width of 300pixels, height 200pixels, black background
2, where I first use the shape tool to create a water area, click the "U" key, draw a rectangle selection.

3, select the menu Edit> Transform> Perspective, according to the figure deformation.

4, fun part begins, create a new layer, this layer will use the brush to add a mist effect. Click the "B" key to select the brush tool, called the Splatter brush to find, select 59pixels, as shown in the rectangular edge of the smear.

5, and then add some blur effects, select the menu Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur, set to 8, this will give you the edge with a brush painting a very good harmony together with the rectangle.
6, and then create a new layer, using the same steps above, just brush a brighter color of the color of choice, I use color to # 0099ff, select the light blue for the foreground and then increase the brush effect, then the the transparency of this layer down to 25, well, as shown results.

7, at board level, click Properties to open mixed layer mixing panel, select the Drop Shadow use the default value plus the shadow effect, select Bevel Emboss and then according to the figure set.

8, spray material to complete! How, you make compared to the results and plan how? Of course, you also can add layers, add different colors to give a better depth of water mist.

Look at the pair plan to add such a spray material is not cool, there is a Hawaii-like tropical feel? Oh, next time!

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Make a IPhunter

Some people say that programmers have become assembly workers, actually makes sense to use the control module + a small amount of code can be achieved, delphi 5.0 provides a wealth of internet control, using tcp / ip client - server can resolve the problem. The key control is serversocket, we imitate iphunter interface with a button1 (button), a combobox1 (for display), the three most basic controls placed on the blank form you can start writing code.

First, the combobox1 must be able to display more than one ip, we set a variable y to accumulate combobox1.items [y],
var y: integer;
Our idea is as follows, when serversocket activities port (port) received on tcp / ip protocol when the link request, return to the other side of the ip value, passed to the combobox is displayed. Activation by the button1 control serversocket, that is, open closed ports.

We serversocket's on clientconnect event to add about code
procedure tform1.serversocket11clientconnect (sender: tobject;
socket: tcustomwinsocket);
combobox1.items.insert (y ,'''');// add a blank record
combobox1.items [y]: = socket.remoteaddress; / / access each other's ip
label1.text: =''were caught''+ inttostr (y +1) +''a ip'';// with a label to display the total number of ip arrested
y: = y +1; / / counter variable by 1
Now, the button1 the caption property is set to''Start'', in its Click event add the following code
procedure tform1.speedbutton7click (sender: tobject);
if speedbutton7.caption =''Start''then
serversocket11.port: = 80; / / phrase can be set in the serversocket properties, capture the browser's connection = true; / / activate the port
speedbutton7.caption: =''stop'';
begin = false; / / close the port
speedbutton7.caption: =''begin'';
combobox1.clear; / / end of the capture, clear the history information
y: = 0; / / Reset counter variable

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Thursday, July 8, 2010


What is RM-to-MP3-Converter?

RM-to-MP3-Converter is for converting RM files (Real Media Files: *.rm, *.rmvb, *.ram, *.ra, *.rmj, etc.) to MP3 files.
It can also convert RM to WAV.

To convert RM to MP3, do according to the below steps:
Launch the software RM-to-MP3-Converter from your computer's "Start > Programs"
Select the optional item "Convert RM to MP3" on the window
Click the button "Set Parameters..." to set MP3 options and save it.
Click the button "Add RM Files to List" to browse and select RM files into the list box
Click the button "Save to Folder..." to browse and select a folder for saving output files.
Click the button "Convert..." to open the converting dialog.
Click the button "Start" on the converting dialog to start converting RM to MP3 and waitting for the procedure to be finished.

To convert RM to WAV, do the same steps as converting RM to MP3 except the following steps:
In the 2nd step, it should be choosed as "Convert RM to WAV".
In the 3rd step, it should be set WAV options rather than MP3.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

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